Monday, March 22, 2010

3 Notable Musicians/Groups

This is just a short list of a few guitarists/artists/musicians which I think are noteworthy.

1. Chad Urmstead/Dispatch

Props to you if you actually know who this guy is. If you don't know, he's the lead guitarist for the indie band Dispatch. Essentially, the reason he's on this list is because of his ability to combine genres of music. In "The General," he combines folk with a sort of balladsy rock. All throughout Dispatch's music there can be strong traces of genres ranging from reggae to folk to rock to hip hop to even some Spanish roots. They can play it all. And do it really good too. The reason, I think, for their ability to do this is Dispatch's members can play such a wide variety of instruments. Look 'em up, check 'em out. They're awesome.

2. Jón Þór Birgisson/Sigur Rós

Just by looking at this picture you can get an idea of why.... Jon (I'm just gonna call him that for right now) is mentioned here. He plays the guitar with a Cello bow. I mean, c'mon, how boss is that? But seriously, Jon and his band are on here because their experiments with different instruments have yielded a unique post-rock sound that differs from other groups. Take Jon's use of a bow, for example. This has given them, not a drastically different sound, but a subtly changed one that allows them to emphasize on the classical sound of their music. Just another thing that I found cool about this band is the fact that they sing in Icelandic, which makes sense because their from Iceland. It allows them to sing about things that would sound terrible in English, but make it sound beautiful because they're singing in Icelandic. In their song, "Heysatan," (which actually means hay stack in Icelandic) one line of their song goes, "And I slipped... fuck." In English, that would just sound terrible, but in Icelandic, it sounds as beautiful as any other line in the song.

3. Joanna Newsom

This picture also sorta gives it away, but at least in this case the uniqueness is not how Joanna plays the harp, but rather the mere fact that she does, and is amazing at it. Not only is she incredibly good at harp (I would know, I listen to it for an hour or two every day =P), but she has the ability to combine it with other instruments to create a very unique sound. You might, however, find some of her earlier stuff hard to listen to, just because her voice was honestly atrocious. And it's not just one of those acquired tastes, like Billy Corgan or Mark Kozelek. If it were I'd have acquired it by now-I listen to a lot of her stuff, new and old. She has, thank God, recently developed her once incredibly annoying voice into a set of decent pipes. Apart from being a harpist, she also plays keyboards for the San Fransisco indie rock band The Pleased.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Alice in Wonderland... ...Wait, who?

Jonny Depp and Tim Burton have an amazing actor/director relationship, one that typically produces good results, as seen through Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, and Sweeny Todd. However, in Burton’s new film Alice in Wonderland, Jonny Depp’s role as the mad hatter takes too much of the film’s focus. The over-focus on the Depp as well as plot changes to the books the movie is based on (Lewis Carol’s Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass) adds to the loss of character and mood of the original books.

To be blunt, Tim Burton’s changes to the mood and tone of the story don’t do the books justice. Now, granted, whatever source material you give Burton he will turn into a weird and dark movie. And this is the same in the case of Alice in Wonderland. This would be fine, if the books had a similar tone to them. They don’t, however, and the mood that Burton gives to the movies is therefore incompatible with the books. An example of such a change in mood (spooiler alllert!) is the portrayal of Alice as solely a warrior, rather than a judge as she is portrayed in Alice in Wonderland (the book, I know this could get confusing). I’m not saying the movie was an action flick, nor am I saying that it was trying to be, but my point is this: the many little changes, coupled with Burton’s style in general make for a film that doesn’t fit the mood of its source material.

Burton’s deviance to the original books is only further illustrated through the over-focus of Jonny Depp’s character of the mad hatter. Now, I know Tim Burton loves Jonny Depp’s ability to play eccentric and unorthodox roles, and the mad hatter allowed Depp to do just that, but compared to the mad hatter’s appearances in the books, some may find Depp’s character to be largely over-played.

Despite the fact that Burton makes changes to the movie that deviate from the mood of the books, Alice in Wonderland benefits from stunning visuals. The setting of the movie itself, a somewhat vaguely illustrated world, allowed much room for creativity to be implemented, and the filmmakers capitalized on this. They created a world that glowed with creativity as well as accuracy to whatever descriptions are offered in the book.

In conclusion, Alice in Wonderland is a movie that, honestly, can only be truly enjoyed by those who appreciate Burton’s style, but also benefits from a brilliantly creative “Wonderland” that is a true visual treat.

*** Out of *****

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Top 10 Favorite Albums

So, just a disclaimer, this is not a top ten best list, it's just my current favorites. Right now I don't exactly have the time to write ten little snippits about each one, so I'm just gonna give them in a list.

1. Absolution by Muse

2. The Bends by Radiohead

3. The Joshua Tree by U2

4. Elephant by The White Stripes

5. Is This It by The Strokes

6. Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme by Simon and Garfunkel

7. All That You Can't Leave Behind by U2

8. Abbey Road by The Beatles

9. Z by My Morning Jacket

10. Neon Bible by The Arcade Fire

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Going to see Alice in Wonderland this Saturday. Look for a review soon!

And yes, I have been entirely engrossed in school. Well, not really... what time I do have left I either spend working, procrastinating, or reading my new favorite site, failbooking.