Monday, April 5, 2010

Summer Playlist-- suggestions?

I'm currently working on a summer playlist for... um.. the summer? I know it's Spring, but it feels like summer, especially after a blistering cold winter with record low temperatures. Anyway, I'm still working on it, but if you have any suggestions, please comment. I'm mostly going for classic rock (CCR, The Beatles, and The Stones are just a few examples), just because it captures the persona of summer well, I think, but there's also a decent amount of newer stuff (MGMT, The Killers, Kasbian) that I plan on putting on. Please just lemme know whatever you think would fit. : )


  1. Aerosmith's "Nine Lives" album is a pretty good album to look for summer stuff on, particularly the song "Pink."
    I also like a lot of old Green Day songs for summer, like "Welcome to Paradise" and "Poprocks and Coke."
    Some of the old Buckcherry and The Cult are good for summer as well.

  2. Everything by The Gaslight Anthem.
