Monday, August 24, 2009

Why isn't good music mainstream?

I know I already posted about Les Paul, but I've been up in bed with a cold and I was just thinking about this...

Why is it that when a pop star like Micheal Jackson dies, the world practically stops and for a while and the world revolves around him, yet, when a REAL legend dies like Les Paul, no one even notices (at least those who actually know who Les Paul is)?

It's amazing what crap most people listen to... If you think about it, the only really really good talented bands that are really popular are U2, Metallica, Nirvanna, and Pink Floyd. I could be missing a couple, but those are the few that came to mind for me. There are many other bands that are somewhat mainstream and good. That's my point. Why would people listen to horrible boy bands like Nickleback, Coldplay, or Boys Like Girls when you could listen to better music preformed by much better muscians by bands with way better names, like the Foo Fighters, Muse, Audioslave, Radiohead, ect.?

Is it the less catchy choruses? Or perhaps the level of popularity? Has social pressure defined what music you listen to? I really hope not....

Whatever it is, I just don't understand why people would torture themselves with the primarily terrilbe genre of pop/pop rock when there's real music.

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